Soundscaping Memories
The first record of soundscapes presents a collection of micronarratives reflecting on border life. As a juxtaposition of elements, we find the narrative, the soundscape, and the image. The author presents a sensory experience of sounds, moments, places, and objects that hold symbolic meaning for him through a photographic selection. In this way, nature is highlighted as a significant thread, and shows how—in some way, it returns those who seek other horizons. Without realizing it, it comes full circle. Despite the desert’s dominance, they return to where their roots were planted.
Fragments of sounds: play and read
“My childhood memories are laced with the sound of gales. Living in a desert city like a beach without sea, where castles could be built waiting to be consumed by the wind.”

“Another world lies close to me. In that place, greenery abounds, fresh air is present, and music is composed at night by animals, while anthropocentric creations remain inert as relics.”
“So close and yet so far, for a few moments, this place becomes a shelter. Yet, at any moment, something inside of me reclaims its origin, its home, the desert. Your rough caresses clung to my skin between particles of sand; you guided me home.”

“For a while, I found another home. In order to capture its essence, I walked its streets. My eyes admired its beauty and my ears heard its beat. But the border was not close, and the wind used to sound distant. No fences, no gales. After a while, I returned to see if you had missed me. Since then, I have not stepped on the ground where I deposited my faith, even when I knew that the desert belonged to me.”
“A soul composed of mixed cultures. Mimetic harmony, such as the most intricate works of the human mind. I only know that no sunset compares to yours.”

Photos, Micronarratives, and Soundscape by Jose Manuel Flores// © 2023
Border Soundscapes